TCM & Weight Loss

TCM & Weight Loss

Greetings, visitors, and valued members!

Today's discussion topic will be Natural and Herbal products and supplements as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and how it relates to weight loss.

Some of you may already be aware of how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can aid in the reduction of weight. For those of you who are not aware, kindly divert your attention to the paragraphs below, as we will start to discuss some important aspects of TCM and how it relates to weight loss.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) & Weight Loss

The start of the New Year is the most common time when people try to lose weight. Whether you want to shed extra pounds gained over the holidays or your weight loss plan is part of a long-term New Year's resolution, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can increase your chances of success.

In traditional Chinese medicine, a form of eastern traditional medicine, excessive weight gain is mostly due to the accumulation of "dampness." Dampness in Chinese medicine occurs when the process of food intake, digestion, absorption, and transportation is not balanced. For example, when one overeats — especially too much fatty food during the holidays — the stomach and spleen's transportation transformation function will be poor. Excess food will be accumulated as dampness. Thus, to lose weight, traditional Chinese medicine's primary strategy is to eliminate this dampness. People who want to lean on eastern traditional medicine principles can do this by following a TCM diet for dampness.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a unique view. While Western methods focus almost exclusively on external factors—weight, exercise, and food—TCM addresses the root cause of weight conditions—looking at excess weight as a symptom of a more significant health problem. It's the end result of a series of bodily events that usually begin with a Qi deficiency and imbalance. If the root cause of excess weight is not addressed, weight loss will never be permanent.

To have good health, you must have sufficient Qi, and your internal organs must work in harmony. If there isn't enough Qi, one or more organs can become imbalanced. When this happens, the organs cannot perform their innate tasks, such as ridding the body of excess water and fat. Oftentimes, health problems like headaches, emotional difficulties like depression, and allergies precede weight gain. These are all signals that the body is imbalanced. TCM believes that a balanced body does not have weight problems. When your Qi is strong and balanced, the weight will be lost naturally, and normal weight will be maintained.

Many diets require you to eat or eliminate specific foods. The TCM view is that a healthy body will "ask for" what it needs and not experience significant food cravings or an enormous appetite. Every food carries a specific essence that resonates energetically with one or more organs. Cravings are signals that an organ may be imbalanced and in need of additional Qi. Food is just one of a variety of healing resources used in TCM treatment, along with herbs, acupuncture, and acupressure.

Perhaps the most profound aspect of TCM's perspective on overweight conditions is its perception of the role emotions plays in overall health. TCM sees and treats your body, mind, emotions, and spirit as an interrelated whole. This means you must have an emotional balance to have proper physical health. When TCM looks at digestion, it takes the broadest view: digestion is the ingestion, absorption, and letting go of food, drink, and emotion as well as everything else you may take in—including what you read, watch, hear, and see. If you are in a constant state of stress or hold onto an emotion, it will stay "undigested" in your system. This affects how Qi flows through the related meridians and organs. So it's not unusual for TCM practitioners to advise their patients to "let things go" or get more rest and relaxation.

The entire TCM framework is based on understanding how human beings work—body, mind, and spirit. It seeks to create balance and harmony within each individual and then harmonize that individual with nature.

As aforementioned, TCM uses acupuncture, herbs, diet, movement activities, and meditation. It views health as a matter of building up and conserving energy, or "Qi" (pronounced chee). When we have an abundant supply of Qi flowing freely through the body, our internal organs and systems can function properly to keep us healthy.

So how does Qi help with weight loss? In TCM, weight regulation is not solely about calorie intake and expenditure, as previously mentioned. It instead focuses on nourishing, fortifying, channeling, and sustaining Qi. All these actions of Qi are what is responsible for raising your metabolism and helping you feel great!

A few ways that weaken your Qi, you ask? The significant factors that weaken Qi are excessive stress, emotional imbalances, inadequate sleep quality/quantity, and poor diet. When the body is depleted, we tend to have difficulty letting go of weight, have lowered energy, and increase food cravings.

That being said, we have great natural/herbal formulas/supplements to help you lose weight by eliminating excess dampness from your body and tonifying/boosting your Qi levels, and balancing your body. Some of the natural/herbal formulas/supplements we carry has been proven to be quite effective in weight reduction. Don't know which products may be best for you? Not to worry, as we will recommend some products below.

Prime Natural Food's Recommended Weight Loss Products:

  1. GI Care
  2. Herbal Detox
  3. Herbalite

As you can see, there are several health benefits to switching from conventional medicine to alternative medicine, which are natural and herbal products and supplements. We carry a wide variety of products and supplements that are 100% natural and herbal, helping restore your health to optimum performance. Perhaps you are curious and would like to examine further? If so, please visit our web store to peruse our available natural/herbal products and supplements. You may end up finding something that you will like!

Should you have any questions or concerns, please never hesitate to reach out to us via e-mail, phone, or any other alternative communication method listed on our 'Contact Us' page.

Thank you very much for stopping by our blog. We hope to see you again soon!


Works Cited:

Dr. A., G., T. (2020, 25, Jan.). TCM & Weight Loss. How effective is it? [PDF File].

Hills, Cheryl. "A Body in Balance: TCM's Perspective on Weight Loss." TCM World. 29 Jan. 2019. Web. 06 Jan. 2021.

The Synergy Wellness Center. "Traditional Chinese Medicine and Weight Loss: 8 Ways to Lose Weight Effectively!" 14 Apr. 2014. Web. 06 Jan. 2021.

Wang, Zhanxiang, Dr. "Weight Loss Tips from a Traditional Chinese Medicine Expert." 09 Jan. 2019. Web. 06 Jan. 2021.

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