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Kan Herb

Kan Gentle Warriors Quiet Calm

Kan Gentle Warriors Quiet Calm

Regular price $23.80
Regular price Sale price $23.80
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Gambir stem branch and twig (Gou teng), Dry fried sour jujube seed (Chao suan zao ren), Poria with wood root (Fu shen me), Polygonum multiflorum stem (Ye jiao teng), Lily bulb, Bai he, Schisandra fruit (Wu wei zi), Anemarrhena rhizome (Zhi mu), Polygala root (Yuan zhi), Altaica rhizome (Jiu jie chang pu), Lotus seed (Lian zi), Gastrodia rhizome (Tian ma), Silkworm (Jiang can), Silk tree bark (He huan pi) He huan hua Silk tree flower Hu po Amber resin Zhi zi Gardenia fruit Ju hong Red tangerine peel Gan cao Chinese licorice root and rhizome
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