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Kan Herb

Kan Traditionals Anchor the Yang

Kan Traditionals Anchor the Yang

Regular price $21.49
Regular price Sale price $21.49
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Jiang ya wan


Chinese motherwort fruit (Chong wei zi), Achyranthes root (Huai niu xi), Raw rehmannia root (Sheng di huang), Dong quai root (Dang gui shen), White peony root (Bai shao), Gambir stem branch and twig (Gou teng), Sichuan lovage rhizome (Chuan xiong), Tree peony root bark (Mu dan pi), Sandalwood (Tan xiang), Prunella fruit spike (Xia ku cao), Chinese rhubarb rhizome & root (Da huang), Gastrodia rhizome (Tian ma), Coptis rhizome (Huang lian), Amber resin (Hu po), Abalone shell (Shi jue ming), Chrysanthemum flower (Ju hua)
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