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Kan Herb

Kan Traditionals Celestial Emperor

Kan Traditionals Celestial Emperor

Regular price $22.20
Regular price Sale price $22.20
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Raw rehmannia root (Sheng di huang), Biota seed (Bai zi ren), Dong quai root (Dang gui shen), Codonopsis root (Dang shen), Ophiopogon tuber (Mai men dong), Dry fried sour jujube seed (Chao suan zao ren), Chinese asparagus tuber (Tian men dong), Schisandra fruit (Wu wei zi), Scrophularia root (Xuan shen), Chinese salvia root & rhizome (Dan shen) Fu ling Poria Jie geng Platycodon root Yuan zhi Polygala root
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