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Kan Herb

Kan Traditionals Rescue the Spirit

Kan Traditionals Rescue the Spirit

Regular price $21.80
Regular price Sale price $21.80
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An Shen Ding Zhi Wan


Dry fried sour jujube seed (Chao suan zao ren), Polygonum multiflorum stem (Ye jiao teng), Dry fried barley sprout (Chao mai ya), Poria with wood root (Fu shen mu), Ophiopogon tuber (Mai men dong), Altaica rhizome (Jiu jie chang pu), White peony root (Bai shao), Biota seed (Bai zi ren), Schisandra fruit (Wu wei zi), Turmeric root tuber (Yu jin), Chrysanthemum flower (Ju hua), Licorice cured pinellia rhizome (Fa ban xia), Red jujube fruit (Hong zao), Polygala root (Yuan zhi), Chinese licorice root and rhizome (Gan cao)
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