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Kan Herb

Kan Traditionals Female Comfort

Kan Traditionals Female Comfort

Regular price $20.40
Regular price Sale price $20.40
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Kun bao tang


Prepared rehmannia root (Shu di huang), Ligustrum fruit (Nü zhen zi), Processed polygonum multiflorum root ( soybean) (Zhi he shou wu), Chinese dodder seed (Tu si zi), Dry fried sour jujube seed (Chao suan zao ren), Ophiopogon tuber (Mai men dong), White peony root (Bai shao), Dong quai root (Dang gui shen), Lycium bark (Di gu pi), Palm leaf raspberry fruit (Fu pen zi), Lycium fruit (Gou qi zi), Chrysanthemum flower (Ju hua), Asiatic cornelian cherry (Shan zhu yu), Mother-of-pearl shell (Zhen zhu mu), Chinese red peony root (Chi shao), Eclipta herb (Han lian cao), Anemarrhena rhizome (Zhi mu), Chinese skullcap root (Huang qin), Swallowwort root and rhizome (Bai wei), Abalone shell (Shi jue ming)
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