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Pacific BioLogic

Pacific BioLogic Attack 1 - 90 Capsules

Pacific BioLogic Attack 1 - 90 Capsules

Regular price $38.95
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Typical seasonal head congestion and minor chest congestion. Anti-microbial and decongesting action. Helps to dry mucous and phlegm.

Suggested Dosage: 2-3 capsules every 3-4 hours between meals until symptoms are relieved.

TCM Pattern: Release Exterior Wind Heat and Interior Excess Heat, Stabilize the Exterior

Tongue: Normal, possibly with thin yellow coating

Pulse: Superficial, floating, may be rapid

Clear Toxic Heat, Dry Wetness
Echinacea Purpurea/Angustifolia
Andrographis leaf Chuan Xin Lian
Forsythia fruit Lian Qiao

Open Sinus, Clear Heat and Congestion from Head
Pubescent Angelica root Bai Zhi
Magnolia Flower Xin Yi Hua
Cocklebur Fruit Cang Er Zi
Schizonepeta Stem Jing Jie
Chrysanthemum flower Ju Hua

Relieve External Wind Heat
White mulberry leaf Sang Ye
Schizonepeta Stem Jing Jie
Magnolia Flower Xin Yi Hua

Open and Circulate Lung Qi
Platycodon root Jie Geng

Note: Can alternate this formula with Pacific BioLogic Cough if necessary.
Caution: If pregnant or nursing.


Echinacea root (no pinyin name), Elderberry root (no pinyin name), Andrographis leaf (Chuan Xin Lian), Forsythia fruit (Lian Qiao), Licorice root (Gan Cao), Magnolia flower (Xin Yi Hua), Fragrant angelica root (Bai Zhi), Chrysanthemum flower (Ju Hua), White mulberry leaf (Sang Ye), White mulberry bark (Sang Bai Pi), Platycodon root (Jie Geng), Tangerine rind.

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