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Tanglong Herbs

Tanglong Du Huo Ji Sheng Pian - 60 Tablets

Tanglong Du Huo Ji Sheng Pian - 60 Tablets

Regular price $16.00
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by American Healing Technologies

Dispels Wind and Dampness; relieves pain; tonifies Liver and Kidney; nourishes Qi and Blood strengthens tendons and bones; alleviates Obstruction. Available in 60 tablets.


Pubescent angelica (Du Huo) root, Loranthus (Sang Ji Sheng) twig, Eucommia (Du Zhong) bark, Achyranthes (Niu Xi) root, Angelica (Dang Gui) root, Ligusticum wallichii (Chuan Xiong) rhizome, White peony (Bai Shao Yao) root, Siler (Fang Feng) root,Wild ginger (Xi Xin) root, Large-leaf gentian (Qin Jiao) root, Chinese cinnamon (Gui Zhi) twig, Ginseng (Ren Shen) root, Poria (Fu Ling), Chinese licorice (Gan Cao) root, Cooked rehmannia (Shu Di Huang) root
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